Wednesday, October 12, 2005

3. Part Wild Horse's Mane 野马分鬃

1. Taking back the left foot and Holding a ball
With torso turning slightly to right and weight shifted to right leg, raise right hand until forearm reaches horizontally in front of right part of chest, while left hand moves in a downward curve until it comes under right hand, palms facing each other like holding a ball.

Loose the wrist and drop the elbow. Taking left foot back and holding the ball, the focus goes from left foot to left knee, left hip joint, Low Dan Tian, then Zhong Dan Tian, raising and accumulating the energy.

2. Bow Step and split the arms
Turn body to the left as left foot takes a step towards, bending knee and shifting weight onto left leg, while right leg straightens with whole foot on floor for a left 'Bow Stance'. As turning body raise left hand to eye level with palm facing obliquely up and elbow slightly bent, and lower right and to the side of right hip with palm facing down and fingers pointing forward. The focus is at left hand. The spirit goes from shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand (outside of thumb)

3. Sit back slowly, like take a seat and shift weight onto right leg, raising toes of left foot slightly and turning them outward before placing whole foot on floor. Then bend left leg and turn body to the left, shifting weight onto left leg and making a hold-ball gesture in front of left part of chest, left and on top. Then move right foot to the side of left foot, toes on the floor. The focus is at left hand.

Loose the wrist and drop the elbow. Make taking right foot back and holding the ball the focus goes from right foot to right knee, to right hip joint, to Low Dan Tian, to Zhong Dan Tian, raising and accumulating the energy.

4. Take a right bow stance by moving right foot a step toward left side, straightening left leg with whole foot on floor and bending right leg at knee. At the same time, with body turning slightly to the right, gradually raise right hand to eye level with palm facing obliquely upward and elbow slightly bent, and press left and down to the side of left hip, palm down. The focus is at right hand. The spirit goes from shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand (outside of thumb)

Point to remember: Hold the body erect and keep chest relaxed. Move arms in a curve without stretching them when you separate hands. Use waist as the axis in body turns. The movements in taking a bow stance and separating hands must be smooth and synchronized in tempo. When taking a bow stance, place front foot slowly in position, heel coming down first. The knee of front leg should not go beyond toes while rear leg should be straightened, forming and angle of 45 degrees with ground. There should be a transverse distance of 1 or 2 fists.

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