Monday, September 14, 2015

Master Chen Bin Workshop Is Coming Soon!


2015 Workshop in San Antonio
October 30th - November 1st, 2015
Chen Bin was born in Chenjiagou, Wen County, Henan Province. He is a twentieth generation Chen family descendant and a twelfth generation blood line inheritor of Chen’s Taichi. He is state accredited First Class Martial Artist and Advanced Level Chen’s Taichi Instructor. Chen Bin began to learn taichi with his father Grand Master Chen Zhenglei at the age of five and has been training diligently under the careful guidance of his father. His taichi is authentic with high level achievements in boxing and weapons routines as well as in theories. He is the executive president and head coach of China   Chenjiagou Chen Zhenglei Taichi Club, deputy secretary of Henan Chen’s Taichi Association, guest researcher at Center for Sports Economy and Law at Qinghua University, vice-chairman of Hong Kong Chen’s Taichi Association, president and chief instructor of Zhengliu Street Branch of China   Chenjiagou Chen Zhenglei Taichi Club.
 In recent years, Chen Bin has been invited to many countries and territories to give workshops. He has been to the USA, England, France, Germany, Spain, Canada, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong, etc.  He is also the honorary president, technical advisor of dozens of taichi organizations both in China and abroad. He takes taichi very seriously and has his unique entertaining way of teaching and treats people earnestly. 

BASIS San Antonio North
318 East Ramsey Street San Antonio Texas 78216

Friday             6 pm – 9 pm   Yang Sheng Gong, 18 Form
Saturday         9 am – 5 pm    Laojia Yi Lu (Old Frame First Routine)
Sunday           9 am – 12pm   Laojia Yi Lu (Old Frame First Routine)
Sunday           2 pm – 5 pm   Push hands

Tuition: ( Cash and Check only, Make checks payable to Chen Bin )
All 3 days:                   $290 paid before Oct 15th; $330 paid on Oct 30th
All 2 days:                   $240 paid before Oct 15th; $260 paid on Oct 30th

Half day:                     $75 
Full 1 day:                    $130

Observation only:        $50

Tony Lhotka    # 210-422-2907                       Email:
David Clyne    # 210-262-0472                       Email:
Ming Xie          # 210-317-8943                       Email:

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Dictated by Grandmaster YangChenFu's student Chen Weiming

(1) Straightening the Head
Stand straight and hold the head and neck naturally erect, with the mind concentrated on the
top. Do not strain or be tense; otherwise, the blood and vital energy cannot circulate smoothly.

(2) Correct Position of Chest and Back
keep chest slightly inward, which will enable you to sink your breath to the dan tian (lower belly).
Do not protrude your chest, otherwise you will feel uneasy in breathing and somewhat "top heavy".
Great force can be launched from the spine only when you keep the vital energy in your lower belly.

(3) Relaxation of Waist
For the human body, the waist is the dominant part. When you relax the waist, your two feet will
be strong enough to form a firm base. All the movements depend on the action of the waist, as
the saying goes: "Vital force comes from the waist." Inaccurate movements in taijiquan stem
from the erroneous actions of the waist.

(4) Solid and Empty Stance
It is of primary importance in Taichi to distinguish between "Xu"(Empty) and "Shi" (Solid). If
you shift the weight of the body on to the right leg, then the right leg is solidly planted on the
ground and the left leg is in an empty stance. When your weight is on the left leg, then the left
leg is firmly planted on the ground and the right leg is in an empty stance. Only in this way can
you turn and move your body adroitly and without effort, otherwise you will be slow and clumsy
in your movements and not able to remain stable and firm on your feet.

(5) Sinking of Shoulders and Elbows
Keep your shoulder in natural, relaxed position. If you lift your shoulders, the Qi will rise with
them, and the whole body will be without strength. You should also keep the elbows down,
otherwise you will not be able to keep your shoulders relaxed and move your body with ease.

(6) Using the Mind Instead Of Force
Among people who practice taijiquan it is quite common to hear this comment: "That is entirely
using the mind, not force." In practicing taijiquan, the whole body is relaxed, and there is not an
iota of stiff or clumsy strength in the veins or joints to hinder the movement of the body. People
may ask: How can one increase his strength without exercising force? According to traditional
Chinese medicine, there is in the human body a system of pathways called jingluo (or meridian)
which link the viscera with different parts of the body, making the human body an integrated whole.
If the jingluo is not impeded, then the vital energy will circulate in the body unobstructed. But if
the jingluo is filled with stiff strength, the vital energy will not be able to circulate and consequently
the body cannot move with ease. One should therefore use the mind instead of force, so that vital
energy will follow in the wake of the mind or consciousness and circulate all over the body. Through persistent practice one will be able to have genuine internal force. This is what Taichi experts
call "Lithe in appearance, but powerful in essence." A master of Taichi has arms which are as strong as steel rods wrapped in cotton, with immense power concealed therein. Boxers of the "Outer School"
( a branch of wushu with emphasis on attack, as opposed to the " Inner School " which places the emphasis on defense) look powerful when they exert force, but when they cease to do so, the power no longer exists. So it is merely a kind of superficial force.

(7) Coordination of Upper and Lower Parts
According to the theory of taijiquan the root is in the feet, the force is launched through the legs:
controlled by the waist, and expressed by the fingers; the feet, the legs and the waist form a
harmonious whole. When the hands, the waist and the legs move, the eyes should follow their
movements. This is what is meant by coordination of the upper and lower parts. If any one part
should cease to move, then the movements will be disconnected and fall into disarray.

(8) Harmony Between the Internal and External Parts
In practicing taijiquan, the focus is on the mind and consciousness. Hence the saying: "The mind is the commander, and the body is subservient to it." With the tranquility of the mind, the movements will be gentle and graceful. As far as the "frame" is concerned, there are only the Xu (empty), shi (solid), kai (open) and he (close). Kai not only means opening the four limbs but the mind as well, and he means closing the mind along with the four limbs. Perfection is achieved when one unifies the two and harmonizes the nternal and external parts into a complete whole.

(9) Importance of Continuity
In the case of the "Outer School" (which emphasizes attack) of boxing, the strength one exerts
is stiff and the movements are not continuous,but are sometimes made off and on, which leave
openings the opponent may take advantage of. In taijiquan, one focuses the attention on the
mind instead of force, and the movements from beginning to end are continuous and in an endless circle, just "like a river which flows on and on without end" or "like reeling the silk thread off cocoons."

(10) Tranquility in Movement
In the case of the "Outer School" of boxing, the emphasis is on leaping, bouncing, punching
and the exertion of force, and so one often gasps for breath after practicing. But in taichi, the
movement is blended with tranquility, and while performing the movements, one maintains
tranquility of mind. In practicing the "frame," the slower the movement, the better the results.
This is because when the movements are slow, one can take deep breath and sink it to the dan

tian. It has a soothing effect on the body and mind.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Start your Taichi movement from here!

Internal martial arts emphasize using the mind instead of force. Moving slowly and not using rigid force will increase and strengthen the internal energy – Qi. Taichi classics say there are three stages of practice: exercise of your body, your Qi, and your mind.

At each stage of Taichi practice, the rule is to use your mind to move Qi, and use your Qi to move your body. Coordinate internal organs and external limbs in harmony, so a movement starts from inside and moves toward the outside. Focus especially on using your waist to start the movement. Aim for relaxed, calm, circular, sinking, even, and holistic movements.

You must try hard to prevent your limbs from moving by themselves. Every movement must start from foot and waist. Only in this way will you gradually get rid of rigid, non-structured force. This enables you later to truly reach 'Song' – relaxed emptiness.

1. Learn from a clear and experienced Taichi instructor.
2. Follow the rules without hesitation, and make sure you understand the details of each rule.
3. Do each movement slowly, evenly, and purposefully, walking like a cat,
4. Use your mind to lead each movement. Your mind gives the order to the limbs. You should apply only a minimum of force to maintain or move the limbs, and the limbs should not move when your waist is not moving.
5. Ask questions!

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Chen Laojia Yi Lu

1.     Opening Form (Yu Bei Shi)
2.     Buddha's Warrior Attendant Pounding Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Zhui)
3.     Lazily Tying Coat (Lan Zha Yi)
4.     Six Sealing and Four Closing (Liu Feng Si Bi)
5.     Single Whip (Dan Bian)
6.     Buddha's Warrior Attendant Pounding Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Zhui)
7.     White Crane Spreading Wings (Bai He Liang Chi)
8.     Diagonal Posture (Xie Xing)
9.     Brushing Knees  (Lou Xi)
10.   Stepping to Both Sides (Ao Bu)
11.   Diagonal Posture (Xie Xing)
12.   Brushing Knees (Lou Xi)
13.   Stepping to Both Sides (Ao Bu)
14.   Punching with Hidden Fist  (Yan Shou Hong Quan)
15.   Buddha's Warrior Attendant Pounding Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Zhui)
16.   Flinging Body (Pie Shen Quan)
17.   Green Dragon Coming Out of Water (Qing Long Chu Shui)
18.   Double Pushing Hands (Shuang Tui Shou)
19.   Fist Under Elbow (Zhou Di Kan Quan)
20.   Whirling the Arms (Dao Juan Hong)
21.   White Crane Spreading Wings (Bai He Liang Chi)
22.   Diagonal Posture (Xie Xing)
23.   Flashing the Arm (Shan Tong Bei)
24.   Punching with Hidden Fist  (Yan Shou Hong Quan)
25.   Six Sealing and Four Closing (Liu Feng Si Bi)
26.   Single Whip (Dan Bian)
27.   Cloud Hands (Yun Shou)
28.   High Pat on Horse (Gao Tan Ma)
29.   Brushing the Right Foot (You Cha Jiao)
30.   Brushing the Left Foot (Zuo Cha Jiao)
31.   Kicking With the Left Heel (Zuo Deng Yi Gen)
32.   Stepping to Both Sides (Ao Bu)
33.   Punching the Ground (Ji Di Chui)
34.   Kicking with Two Heels (Ti Erh Qi)
35.   Protecting the Heart (Hu Xin Quan)
36.   Whirlwind Foot (Xuan Feng Jiao)
37.   Kicking with the Right Heel  (You Deng Yi Gen)
38.   Punching with Hidden Fist  (Yan Shou Hong Quan)
39.   Small Capturing (Xiao Qin Da)
40.   Embracing Head and Pushing Mountain (Bao Tou Tui Shan)
41.   Six Sealing and Four Closing (Liu Feng Si Bi)
42.   Single Whip (Dan Bian)
43.   Forward Trick (Qian Zhao)
44.   Backward Trick (Hou Zhao)
45.   Parting the Wild Horse's Mane (Ye Ma Fen Zong)
46.   Six Sealing and Four Closing (Liu Feng Si Bi)
47.   Single Whip (Dan Bian)
48.   Jade Maid Works Shuttles (Yu Nu Chuan Suo)
49.   Lazily Tying Coat (Lan Zha Yi)
50.   Six Sealing and Four Closing (Liu Feng Si Bi)
51.   Single Whip (Dan Bian)
52.   Cloud Hands (Yun Shou)
53.   Waving Double Lotus Shake Foot and Stretch Down (Bai Jiao Die Cha)
54.   Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg (Jin Ji Du Li)
55.   Whirling the Arms (Dao Juan Hong)
56.   White Crane Spreading Wings ( Bai He Liang Chi)
57.   Diagonal Posture (Xie Xing)
58.   Flashing the Arm (Shan Tong Bei)
59.   Punching with Hidden Fist  (Yan Shou Hong Quan)
60.   Six Sealing and Four Closing (Liu Feng Si Bi)
61.   Single Whip (Dan Bian)
62.   Cloud Hands (Yun Shou)
63.   High Pat on Horse (Gao Tan Ma)
64.   Crossed Feet (Shi Zi Jiao)
65.   Punching the Groin (Zi Dang Chui)
66    Ape Presenting Fruit (Bai Yuan Xian Guo)
67.   Single Whip (Dan Bian)
68.   Nimble Dragon Descends (Que Di Long)
69.   Stepping Forward to Form the Seven Star (Shang Bu Qi Xing)
70.   Stepping Back to Ride the Tiger (Tui Bu Kua Hu)
71.   Turn Back and Wave Double Lotus (Zhuan Shen Shuang Bai Lian)
72.   Head On Cannon Fist (Dang Tou Pao)
73.   Buddha's Warrior Attendant Pounding Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Zhui)
74.   Closing Form (Shou Si)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

2015 World Taichi Qigong Day

World T’ai Chi & Qigong Day  

Saturday, April 25, 2014 9:30 am – 12:00 am Brackenridge Park  Lambert Softball Field Directly behind the Witte Museum 

World T’ai Chi and Qigong Day (WTCQD) is an annual event held the last Saturday of April to promote the disciplines and many benefits of t’ai chi and qigong. Celebrated since 1999, WTCQD brings people together worldwide across economic and geopolitical lines . . . coming together to celebrate health and healing.  

What will happen? At 10:00 a.m. all t’ai chi practitioners and groups will gather and practice their styles. Demonstrations will follow group practice. A “bring your own picnic lunch” will follow at approximately 11 am. Everyone is welcome to participate.  

What to wear? Wear your t’ai chi uniform or any comfortable clothing to practice in.  

What to bring? Along with your enthusiasm for t’ai chi, bring water, snacks or a picnic lunch if you desire to stay and enjoy the day at the park with other participants.  

How to get there? Off of Hwy 281 N, take the Hildebrand exit, follow right on Hildebrand and turn at the first entrance into the park on your right. Follow the street until it dead ends into the parking lot for the Lambert Softball Field. Look for the large gathering in the open fields by the softball diamond.

The event will be canceled if it rains.

2014 World Qigong Taichi Day Photos

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Chen 18 Form Name in English and Chinese

Chen 18 Form Name in English and Chinese

Chinese Pinyin
Chinese Simplified
yù bèi shì
Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar
jīn gāng dǎo duì
Lazy About Tying Coat
lǎn zhā yī
Six Sealing And Four Closing
liù fēng sì bì
Single Whip
dān biān
The White Crane Spreads It’s Wings
bái hè liàng chì
Walk Forward Diagonally
xié xíng ào bù
Brush Knee
lōu qī
Stepping to Both Sides (Three Steps Forward)
qián táng ào bù
Cover Hands and Strike with Fist
yǎn shǒu hōng chuí
High Pat On the Horse
gāo tàn mǎ
Kick With Left Heel
dèng yī gēn
The Jade Girl Works At Shuttles
yù nu:3 chuān suō
Wave Hand
yùn shǒu
Turn Body with Double Lotus Kick
zhuǎn shēn bǎi lián
The Cannon Fist Over Head
dāng tóu pào
Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar
jīn gāng dǎo duì
Finishing Form
shōu shì